Monday, December 31, 2012

#23 - Inspire someone and Thank someone that inspires me.

For someone to tell me "I inspire them" is probably one of my top 10 favorite things to hear. Not to be boastful or proud, but it is a huge accomplishment to be an inspiration instead of... well not an inspiration. It wasn't too long ago that I was in a place where no one would have been inspired by "little ole me". I was not in a good place emotionally, physically, spiritually... I was just plain unhealthy.

But by the grace of God, he has made a new creature! 2012 has seriously been the best year of my entire life for so many reasons. Here's a few:

1. I married the most amazing man! He loves me for who I am. Encourages me. Protects me. And so much more...
2. With this amazing man came an amazing family! I am truly blessed for my wonderful new family.
3. My big brother has grown so much! He is now a brother in the Masons! I am so proud of him!
4. Adam and I have been blessed to meet and get to know some really amazing people! God has blessed us with so many wonderful friends and great couple friends at that. I don't want to leave anyone off, but you guys know you have blessed us so incredibly much.
5. I've got to complete a triathlon, a second half marathon, and some other great races along the way. God has kept me healthy and given me an awesome friend throughout the process!
6. I changed jobs (this could have been a huge unhappy thing, but God knew my heart and transformed me throughout the process) The boy scouts has taught me an incredible amount. I am thankful for the friendships and lessons learned but sometimes... it's better to move on. I am excited for this new opportunity.
7. We bought a house. Yes, it is a big deal. A house!
8. I have grown so much with my relationship with Christ. I am on a journey of learning and growing that I hope will continue each and everyday I live.
9. Blessing after blessing after blessing... really amazing year!

I already see so many wonderful opportunities in 2013, but back to the inspiration blog...

My main inspiration is Christ. He truly is the perfect examply, but I believe he puts great people on earth to journey with you. Here are some people that inspire me:

1.My mom - She has and always will inspire me. She is strong (sometimes stubborn), thoughtful, caring, humble, passionate, and most of all, she would do anything for her children (and future grandchildren)
2. My husband - His spirit is so beautiful. He has a child like heart, but it's the best spiritual leader of our home. I am thankful for his heart for Christ!
3. My Mother in law - She is has such a beautiful heart for giving. I am convinced she would give everything she had for her children, grandchildren, or anyone for that matter. I am thankful for a spirit of giving. I can see that giving spirit in Adam daily!
4. Meghan and Mason Stewart - I hope you guys get a chance to read this. You two are such a wonderful display of Christ's love! We are thankful for your transparency and heart!
5. Super awesome, consistent runner people - Steven and Allison Miles, Kaci Lesley, and all those other awesome running people that I can see on facebook. You guys inspire me!

On to inspiring...

Most of the comments I have received about inspiring fall into the physical category for me (mainly because that is what's easiest to see). Here are some encouraging thoughts I sent to a friend a few months ago via facebook.

Its a daily choice to be healthy...I do not diet. If you are planning on choosing a diet and doing it for a while then going back to what you currently won't be successful.
Losing weight is simple... calories in vs calories out. To lose weight you must have a calorie deficit... Now how you get to that is different.

Here's the best way to start.
1. Cut out alcohol and sodas, Completely! This has to be the first thing. There are so many horrible calories in those two that no matter how hard you exercise, you can not get that weight off. Plus neither one of them are fulfilling anything for you personally... 2 years ago I committed to this and this is the best decision I have made!
2. Exercise. Yup you knew that was coming. I started off slow with exercise. I had developed a slight problem with number 1 (the alcohol part) and when I cut that horrible habit, I had to replace it with something. I chose exercise specifically walking/jogging. I started off super slow because I hated running but then I started setting goals to run 1 mile. Then to run/walk 2 miles. Then before I knew it, I had completed my first 5k. Best feeling ever!! From then I kept setting goals to work after to improve my fitness. See its more about setting small goals and making a choice each day to improve yourself. Now if running doesn't get you excited do something that will. Choosing something you will do daily or at least 4-5 times a week is the key. Don't try to do everything at once. If you like to dance, Zumba is a good place to start. I did Zumba but quickly found out it wasn't challenging enough for me. I really like to push the limits with exercise (that's what keeps me going)
3. Food. This matters just as much as the exercise. What you put in your body really matters. Trash in. Trash out. Now don't go quit everything that you like...your body will hate you. Start slow and wing yourself off things... Things to start with... change your bread to whole grain. Milk to 2% or 1% (i prefer skim but that's not for everybody) Limit sweets. I just spent a month without them... best thing ever for me. Not the best thing ever for my husband... Fruits and vegetables rock. You can eat lots of them with very little calories. makes you feel full for a lot longer.
4. Make some exercise and nutrition friends. You have got to have people on this journey with you. Even if it is just online support. I would be happy to be a support for you. With that being said, those people must hold you accountable too. My husband was a great support for me and I found a really great running partner.

OK this turned into a novel... it doesn't happen overnight. In November/December of 2010 when I was at my highest weight (almost 190 pounds...yuck and lowest point in my life which was even worse than the weight) I made a decision to change and get healthy. I have not looked back once. I do not regret one decision I have made in the past two years. You'll find out quickly that the weight isn't the only thing that changes...

If I can do anything to help, let me know!!
Weight (body image in general) really isn't the main problem. There is usually some rooted issue that you have to work out before you can make true change. These past couple of years have been life changing (not just physically) for me. When you commit your life to Christ, in a moment you are forgiven of your sins. The awesome thing about God is that even though he forgives immediately, our character doesn't change immediately. He allows us to begin a journey of transformation. God's grace and forgiveness is perfect and watching the character transformation unfold is just icing on the cake! Here's to many more years of growing and transforming into Christ's image daily!

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