Friday, March 22, 2013

Caution: Marathoner in Training

After two years, lots of 5ks and 10ks, a couple half marathons and triathlons, and a running bible study... I am finally ready to take the next BIG step in running... a marathon. I've been talking about it for a while... thinking about the "perfect" first one... avoiding it... but as of Tuesday, March 19th, I am officially registered for a marathon!

On November 9th, I will run 26.2 miles in the Rock and Roll Marathon in Savannah, GA... just because I want to. Not running from zombies, not running from dogs with big teeth, not running from something chasing me with a knife... Just running - 26.2 miles of running.

Well it could be a little more than just "wanting" to. God has used running as a tool to draw me closer to him. You can see my testimony for more on that. I depend on him for strength. God is my running partner. When I am running, I am free. I don't worry about work, my home, chores, the day. It really is a great escape for me. I have also made great friends "on the trail."

Now don't get me wrong... Some days I do not want to run. I do it anyway... because I never regret finishing a run. I like running because I can set goals. Each run is a goal. Each run is a step toward another goal.

I'm a planner. My husband says I over plan, but I would rather "over plan" and be prepared than just wing it. Occasionally I just wing it, but it's usually by force or some spare of the moment event.

So I have developed a plan for the marathon. Starting on Mother's Day, I'll train for 26 weeks for the marathon. The plan is below if you want to follow along. Feel free to join me for runs as well! I could use the extra encouragement!

Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Mother's Day strength  3 strength  3 rest 5
2 fun strength  3 strength  3 rest 6
3 fun strength  4 strength  4 rest 8
4 fun strength  4 strength  4 rest 6
5 fun strength  4 strength  4 rest 9
6 fun strength  4 strength  4 rest 6
7 fun strength  4 strength  4 rest 10
8 fun strength  4 strength  4 rest 11
9 fun strength  4 strength  4 rest 12
10 fun strength  4 strength  4 rest 13
11 fun strength  4 strength  4 rest 14
12 fun strength  5 strength  5 rest 12
13 fun strength  5 strength  5 rest 17
14 fun strength  5 strength  5 rest 15
15 fun strength  5 strength  5 rest 12
16 fun strength  5 strength  5 rest 20
17 fun strength  5 strength  6 rest 10
18 fun strength  5 strength  6 rest 12
19 fun strength  5 strength  6 rest 23
20 fun strength  5 strength  6 rest 15
21 fun strength  6 strength  6 rest 25
22 fun strength  6 strength  6 rest Mud Run 
23 10 mile run strength  6 strength  6 rest 12
24 fun strength  6 strength  6 rest 10
25 fun strength  5 strength  4 rest 8
26 fun strength  5 strength  5 rest 26.2 (11/9)

So there it is. If you add it all up... in 26 weeks, I (and hopefully some friends) will run 575 miles! Average 22 miles a week.

I would love for you to join me in this journey either as a running partner or as a support system. Starting in June, I'll document the journey (the good and the bad) on Fridays.

This girl is officially a marathoner in training :)

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